Metacurity Has Switched Platforms (Again)

Metacurity Has Switched Platforms (Again)
Photo by Brendan Church / Unsplash
white and black One Way-printed road signages
Photo by Brendan Church / Unsplash

Last February, I switched Metacurity from Substack to Beehiiv because of Substack's willingness to give speakers with odious views a platform.

Since then, I've heard from subscribers - ranging from tech companies to the US Department of Defense – that their organizations automatically filter out emails from Beehiiv because of what they contend is Beehiiv's blindness to spammers and, more concerningly, parties who send out malicious phishing emails. Over the course of the past several months, I've given Beehiiv an opportunity to respond to these criticisms twice and have received no meaningful response.

As a publication that seeks to inform, of all people, *information security professionals* of the most critical developments they should know, it became clear that Metacurity could no longer remain on Beehiiv.

So, today, Metacurity is coming to you from a new home on Ghost. There are a few housekeeping items I'd like to flag for you:

  1. All active subscribers have (hopefully) been migrated: However, given the shift from Substack to Beehiiv to Ghost, and despite my best efforts, it's possible that some active subscribers have slipped through the cracks. More importantly, it's even possible that if you unsubscribed from Metacurity at some point, you're receiving this email. For this I apologize. Don't report Metacurity as a spammer or send hate mail. Simply unsubscribe.
  2. All premium subscribers should (hopefully) enjoy uninterrupted access and not be double-billed. We've moved premium subscribers' payments from a Beehiiv Stripe account to a new Ghost-focused Stripe account. I've been assured that you won't be double-billed, but if that happens, drop me a line at cynthia [at] and I will rectify any billing problems.
  3. Metacurity has a new RSS feed. With the changeover, we now have a new RSS feed. You can find it at

I'm sure there will be other migration issues that I haven't encountered yet. Please bear with me as we proceed with the switchover from Beehiiv to Ghost. If you experience any issues or have any feedback, please email me at cynthia [at]

Another one-time discount!

When Metacurity switched from Substack to Beehiiv, I offered new subscribers what I billed as a one-time 20% discount off the premium subscription price for new subscribers.

However, I've decided to extend that discount offer again, given that all this switching around has significantly reduced our Google traffic and, to a lesser degree, our paid subscriber count.

Metacurity exists only because of our premium subscriber support, and I'm counting on our loyal readers to step up with this discounted offer so that we can continue to provide you with the best daily source of cybersecurity news, intelligently summarized and aggregated from thousands of sources.

Premium subscribers receive access to our archives plus access to any original content that appears on Metacurity. Moreover, your subscription helps ensure that Metacurity will continue to survive

Click here to take advantage of this time-limited, one-time discount of 20% off Metacurity's premium subscriptions.

To all our loyal readers and subscribers, thank you for sticking with Metacurity. Stay safe and sane out there!

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